we need to see you

This is a plea to you freelancers & digital entrepreneurs not to use shitty or distant photos of yourself on your website and About page.

We need to see you.

Seriously, it’s a trust thing. If your face is half covered or you’re so distant I can’t see your facial features, I don’t know if I can trust you. Why are you so far away? What are you hiding?

That’s what I’m thinking. That’s what a lot of us are thinking.

How many times have you been poking around on someone’s Facebook page and because of their security settings, you can’t make their profile picture any bigger than a thumbnail? Frustrating!

What do they really look like? Do they look like someone I would like? Are they cool? Can I trust them? You know what I mean.

Faces are a big deal.

We look at faces, we look into eyes searching for a connection. To look for similarity.

“This person is one of My People.”

If you’re wearing heart-shaped sunglasses and a sombrero, that tells me you don’t take yourself seriously (definitely one of My People!) which is great…but give me more.

I need to see you.

We need to see you.

Do I trust your smile? Do you come across as someone who’s lost up your own ass?

First impressions go a long way.


Let those be your guides.

We need to see you.

Feel immediate relief from toxic people, draining situations, a future of unfulfilling work, and unnecessary guilt!